Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Project 1: Creating a Pixilation Animation (Filming)

The first task set was to create a Pixilation Animation in groups, our group was of five individuals. This to me was both a good and bad number, as if everybody worked with the same positive intention the animation would not only be done in a short time, but it could also be then in a lot more detail. The possible negative side to this was that if certain individuals do not participate it could endanger the animation as well as the groups potential. 

I was personally very excited to have the opportunity to try this stop motion technique.

To start we had to Brainstorm ideas for this animation, these were the ideas we came up with:

Idea one
The story of a baby lion who is in a forest with his family, the baby lion soon wonders off due to his excitement in wanting to explore more of the forest despite his parents warnings. The baby lion without realizing it crosses a safety line put to keep his species safe. Hunter sees lion and kills the baby lion. 

Moral of the story: Curiosity killed the cat

Idea two 
A mini story of a solder set during WW1, whilst solder is in trenches he dies and sees his life flash before his eyes, main focus of the animation experiments with the idea and belief of this and gives the viewer a quick insight into the individuals life. If to be chosen, a way to challenge ourselves and see if this could be done successfully and communicated clearly. Solder spends last few minutes of his life staring and clutching into necklace, life flashback tells the viewer the value of the object. 

Moral of the story: Destruction of War

Chosen idea --> Idea one
The reason for this was that we wouldn't have been able to show the setting of a trench in full detail with the environments we were surrounded by, it would have also been far too time consuming to make the animation the way we wanted. We were also realistic with ourselves and understood that as this is our first animation, therefore it would be wise to make it short, clear and fairly simple. We did agree however that once we are more experienced we would give idea two a try. 

Idea one in-depth 

Director/photographer: Halima (me ^^/)
Baby Lion: Carly 
Dad Lion: Carlos
Mum Lion: Afsheen 
Hunter: Edward

Story line (key frames/scenes)

  1. Baby Lion is seen with mum and dad Lion 
  2. Playing and moving around in the forest 
  3. Baby Lion starts to slowly wonder off 
  4. The hunter enters
  5. Baby lion and hunter freeze whilst making eye contact
  6. Scene slows to dramatize scene and create tension 
  7. Hunter shoots the Baby Lion 
  8. Baby Lion slowly falls and dies 
  9. Hunter puts arms up in triumph 
  10. Animation ends 
One Baby Lion mask
Two Lion masks 
Gun (paper model)
Craft Knife
String (to attach masks)

School fields

Trial version

We did a quick practice version as a way to see how the animation would play out and weather any alterations were needed.  It was also to test the efficiency of the props and weather they worked and fit in with the theme of the animation. Here are some pictures from the practice session.

I experimented with this stop motion technique by using my phone, as I found it easier to capture the speed of the movement. Sadly there was not enough memory on my phone, also that for this to be a minute animation there had to be 1000 pictures taken. Therefore the option of a phone was not available. Regardless to have the actual experience of how animators approach Pixilation, it is better to use a camera. This session was very useful as my colleague was able to practice the movements of a lion, and was able to understand how to use it to best express the character.

Making the final animation 
It was time to do the final animation, and for it we used a camera that took 10 frames per second, all that was left to do was to act out the animation one last time. To do this all five members were needed, and it needed to be done on the day as it was crucial in terms of time management, as this was our only chance to do it. Sadly on the day certain members were faced with personal problems, or illness and could not participate during the day. At the time, the remaining team members (two members and I) were all unsure of what to do, luckily for us we had a student from the second year volunteer to take the role of the Baby Lion. Roles were quickly switched between the remaining members, and I was happy to see how everyone was able to easily adapt and solve the issue.

Change in script
Parent lions removed, only characters in animation are the Baby Lion and the hunter

Snapshots of Jess as the Baby Lion 

We later had a team member and quickly put her as part of the film, she was originally meant to be the parent Lion, however due to the change in the script, we decided to have it as a short flashback as a way to emphasize the freedom that is being lost. A way to heighten the emotional aspect of the animation.

Snapshots of Carly as Baby Lion in the prequel.

What I really liked was the change in setting due to it being later on in the day, as this added a sentimental value to the animation, giving it the texture of a foggy dream. I left the ending open to many interpretations, such as weather it is the lions afterlife? Or simply the Baby Lions last and most cherished memory, which was of being free.

Overall I enjoyed doing this project, as it taught me a lot of new skills involved with animation and gave me an insight into aspects that I always wondered about whilst watching a film, animation, or an advertisement that uses Pixelation. The team work started off really well but towards the end worsened slightly, despite this every member did get involved in some way and participated in helping the animation get to where it was, from the story to the props. If the hard work was kept consistent the animation would have been longer and more detailed then it was. It helped give me an insight of the teams animators have to work with and the possible problems that one may face. There was a moment where it was decided that those who didn't work hard enough would simply have to do their own animation, however I figured that in the real situation it is quite rash to make such a decision and it is better to learn how to communicate with the individual to see why they have trouble doing this and to motivate them to create better results.

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